From Concept to Completion

Showcasing my Work Portfolio


Yia Yia's Baklava

World Awaits Cultural Tours


Individuals who are hired to deliver a speech or presentation at an event or conference in exchange for compensation. Ashley as a speaker is often experts in her field and are sought after for their knowledge, expertise, and ability to engage an audience. As per Ashley speakers can come from a variety of backgrounds, including business, politics, entertainment, and education. They may be contracted for a single event or engage in regular speaking engagements as part of their profession. 


Individuals who are hired to deliver a speech or presentation at an event or conference in exchange for compensation. Ashley as a speaker is often experts in her field and are sought after for their knowledge, expertise, and ability to engage an audience. As per Ashley speakers can come from a variety of backgrounds, including business, politics, entertainment, and education. They may be contracted for a single event or engage in regular speaking engagements as part of their profession. 




Welcome to Million Dollar Spirit Business, the show where we take super-profitable online business strategy and get it into the hands of the most heart-centered people, like you, creating mission-driven organizations and soul-inspired empires.

Every week, I’ll be coaching one lucky entrepreneur on one particular challenge they’re having inside their business, my desire is for you to have a front-row seat to a real-life mini transformation. And to get clear, tangible takeaways that you can apply to problem-solving and scaling your own business.


Welcome to Million Dollar Spirit Business, the show where we take super-profitable online business strategy and get it into the hands of the most heart-centered people, like you, creating mission-driven organizations and soul-inspired empires.

Every week, I’ll be coaching one lucky entrepreneur on one particular challenge they’re having inside their business, my desire is for you to have a front-row seat to a real-life mini transformation. And to get clear, tangible takeaways that you can apply to problem-solving and scaling your own business.


A model university is an idealized representation of a higher education institution that embodies the best practices, values, and qualities that promote academic excellence, student success, and societal impact. Such a university typically exhibits a strong commitment to teaching, research, and community engagement, as well as a culture of innovation, diversity, and inclusivity. It may also prioritize interdisciplinary collaboration, experiential learning, and student-centered pedagogy, while fostering an environment that supports personal and professional growth.


A model university is an idealized representation of a higher education institution that embodies the best practices, values, and qualities that promote academic excellence, student success, and societal impact. Such a university typically exhibits a strong commitment to teaching, research, and community engagement, as well as a culture of innovation, diversity, and inclusivity. It may also prioritize interdisciplinary collaboration, experiential learning, and student-centered pedagogy, while fostering an environment that supports personal and professional growth.


Security job seekers are individuals who are actively seeking employment in the security industry. This can include roles such as security guards, security officers, loss prevention specialists, private investigators, and other related positions. These individuals typically have a background in law enforcement, military, or security, and possess a range of skills and qualities such as attention to detail, strong communication, and problem-solving abilities. Security job seekers may seek employment with private companies, government agencies, or other organizations that require protection for their assets, personnel, or information.


Security job seekers are individuals who are actively seeking employment in the security industry. This can include roles such as security guards, security officers, loss prevention specialists, private investigators, and other related positions. These individuals typically have a background in law enforcement, military, or security, and possess a range of skills and qualities such as attention to detail, strong communication, and problem-solving abilities. Security job seekers may seek employment with private companies, government agencies, or other organizations that require protection for their assets, personnel, or information.


A virtual summit is an online event that brings together experts, speakers, and attendees from different parts of the world to share knowledge, insights, and ideas on a specific topic or theme. It is typically hosted on a virtual platform that enables participants to connect, network, and learn from each other through live webinars, panel discussions, Q&A sessions, and other interactive formats. Virtual summits can cover a wide range of topics, from business and entrepreneurship to health and wellness, and can attract a diverse audience with different interests and backgrounds


At Investments In Zanzibar, you have access to carefully selected and verified investments on the beautiful island of Zanzibar, as well as some ‘golden opportunities of turning your investments and dreams into reality, with an understanding that investments are more than just a business transaction. Our team is specialized in consulting, and with us, you get a partner who helps you to make the right decisions on what actually works for you when it comes toinvesting in Zanzibar.

‘You know, what it means, when a market is “hot”, right?


Each week of the 6 Week Course Creation Live course is
focused on a different aspect of course creation. You will be given step-by-step guidance as you learn how to create a course from scratch and make it live within 6 weeks.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or have an existing course idea, this course will help you get ready to launch it live. I get it creating an online course can seem intimidating without the right support.


The Spinal Hygiene Challenge is a commitment to take care of your spine on a daily basis. By incorporating simple exercises, stretches, and movements into your routine, you can improve your spinal health and overall well-being. The challenge involves dedicating just a few minutes each day to performing spinal hygiene practices such as gentle twists, forward folds, and spinal extensions. Over time, these small changes can make a big difference in your posture, flexibility, and mobility. Take the Spinal Hygiene Challenge and prioritize your spine today!

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